Etiquette Police Incorporated

Grammar of the Week
Naked Women....
Unruly Poetry
Links for Further Spelling Better
FAQ: The Facts of Grammar
Grammar of the Week
Fake Words? It's True!
Boyfriend Manual
Ways To Show Someone How You Care...
Random Phrases- Try One on Someone

Word of the Week:
Try to use at least once a day in your sentences and you will never forget it.

cap-a-pie \cap-uh-PEE\, adverb:
From head to foot; at all points.

Yet it is increasingly hard to ignore other scientific predictions sashaying into the press dressed cap-a-pie in silver lining.
--Andrew Marr, "Skegness: not so much bracing as basking?" Daily Telegraph, January 14, 2004


Part of Speech of the Week:


    1. The part of speech that usually expresses emotion and is capable of standing alone.
    2. Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as Ugh! or Wow!

Shakespeare of the Week:
All's Well That Ends Well, I:2
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
Foreign Phrase of the Week:

Oggi li odio. Domani proveremo ancora.

Today I hate you. Tomorrow we'll try again.

L'oggi è sudato giorno. Il domani è sudato giorno dei pantaloni.

Today is sweat day. Tomorrow is sweatpants day.

Grammar Police